ingilizce, 1 şubat sabah 9-10 arasında olucak 10 soru test, geçilen soruya tekrar dönüş yok lütfen sadece bu konularda çok iyi olanlar aday olsun SORULAR ZOR OLUYOR vizesinden düşük aldım en az 70 almam gerekiyor.
KONULAR : Functions, inverse functions and logarithms, trigonometric functions, rates of change and tangent curves, limit, asymptotes, tangents and derivate at a point, derivative as a function, differentiation rules, derivative as of trigonometric functions, chain rule, implicit differentiation derivatives of inverse functions and logarithms; inverse trigonometric functions; linearization and differentials, extreme values of functions; the mean value theorem;monotonic functions and the first derivative test, L'Hopital’s rule, antiderivatives; sigma notation and limits of finite sums; the definite integral, the fundamental theorem of calculus; indefinite integrals and the substitution method, substitution and area between curves; volumes using crosssections, volumes using cross-sections, arc length
İşin Yapılacağı Konum: ONLINE
Görevin Başlangıç Tarihi: 01-02-2021
Görevin Bitiş Tarihi: 01-02-2021
Kategori: Ders / Çeviri