Design an OOK transmitter and receiver work at 433 Mhz for digital data communication. The transmitter and receiver blocks must include the Basic PLL circuit.
The transmitter must upconvert the 2 Mbps data signal using mixer to 433 MHz RF. You need to use a simple amplifier to increase the signal power. In the receiver, another mixer is required to downconvert the 433 MHz RF signal to 2 Mbps data. In the receiver part, you need to use an LNA to amplify the small signal without adding too much noise.
In your report, give detailed analysis and simulations of
- PLL block
- Upconversion Mixer
- Downconversion Mixer
- Receiver LNA block
- Transmitter amplifier block
- And overall simulations of the transceiver system
İşin Yapılacağı Konum: ONLINE
Görevin Başlangıç Tarihi: 05-01-2021
Görevin Bitiş Tarihi: 08-01-2021
Kategori: Yazılım