Others | final projesi

final projesi

2 kişi
bu görevi tamamlamak istiyor

Görev Detayı

Dear students,
In the first lesson of the semester, I asked you to become a member of a charity organization (a nonpolitical non-governmental organization (NGO)). During this period - as your research field - the
observations, in-depth interviews and, if you wish, surveys you have made here will be your
arguments to answer the final project question.
This project aims to enable you to make an analysis on corporate success using your research
findings and the theories you have learned. And you have to give a presentation in class! Here are
the steps to follow:
KEYWORD: 1- Choose a non-political aid organization as a research area like TEMA, Kurtaranev, Akut,
2- Prepare an analysis report on the secret of this organization's success over the years.
3- Use of dialectic method is required:
4- Use of (a lot of) linking words is required:
5- Use of theories (Weber, Foucault, French and Ravens’s theory of power, Leadership
and practices, Personalities, Emotions and Values at work, Motivation and Motivation Practices,
Teamwork and Team Building, Conflict Management and Negotiation, Decision-Making and
Boundaries, Organizational Culture and Change) is required. You have to say “According to this
or that theory…”
6- You have to present your project in class
ATTENTION: Empirical project + presentation (70% + 30% of final grade). In other words, it
will be graded 70/30 as text and presentation.
1- Evaluate the management success of the founder/leader of the organization through
power theories.
2- Explore the relevance of group behavior and team theory in the creation and
management of effective team-working.
3- Assess own personality traits and attributes in terms of them having a positive or
negative effect on management approaches and this NGO institution performance.
4- Reflect on the value and importance of personality and perception for effective
managerial relationships.
5- Apply content and process theories of motivation for enhancing and maintaining an
effective organizational workforce, providing specific examples.
6- Contribute to the creation and management of effective team-working in a given
NGO situation.
7- Examine how the operation of power, politics and culture in this organization affect
members behaviors and the accomplishment of organizational goals.
ATTENTION: You must use at least 3 arguments for your thesis, and you must use at least 3
counterarguments for your antithesis.
P.S: A dialectic essay is a sort of argumentative dialogue or debate when an author introduces a
thesis and uses both arguments and counterarguments to prove it.
I want three paragraphs and at least three arguments in each paragraph:
1- YES => Thesis: Argument, positive and strong parts, advantages, pros
2- BUT => Antithesis: Objection, negative and weak parts, disadvantages, cons
3- IN CONCLUSION => Synthesis: The aim of a final paragraph is to support the initial
thesis of your dialectic essay or represent a new one, which would combine both
arguments and counterarguments.

Bütçe: 300 TL

İşin Yapılacağı Konum: ONLINE
Görevin Başlangıç Tarihi: 04-01-2024
Görevin Bitiş Tarihi: 10-01-2024
Kategori: Ders / Çeviri


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