2-) Please form a single RGB image (@60 m spatial resolution) from three grayscale images (i.e. B2,
B3, and B4) by means of Sentinel-2A bands. (10 points) (must be done without a python library!)
3-) Please perform cloud detection from the Sentinel-2A (S2MSI2A) image (@60 m spatial resolution)
you have downloaded. (30 points) (must be done without a python library!)
(Hint: The Normalised Difference Snow Index (NDSI) is a ratio of two bands: one in the visible (B3)
and one in the short-wave infrared (B11). Snow absorbs energy in the SWIR, but reflects in the VIR,
whereas cloud is generally reflective in these Bands)
4-) Please perform vegetation detection (Hint: using NDVI with your own threshold) from the Sentinel2A (S2MSI2A) image (@60 m spatial resolution) you have downloaded for only the cloud-free pixels
you found in the third question. (30 points) (must be done without a python library!)
5-) Please calculate Percentage of Vegetation (PoV) of the Sentinel-2A (S2MSI2A) image (@60 m
spatial resolution) you have downloaded (Hint: PoV is calculated by ratio of “total number of
pixels labelled as vegetation” to “total number of all pixels in the image”. (must be done
without a python library!)
İşin Yapılacağı Konum: ONLINE
Görevin Başlangıç Tarihi: 01-06-2021
Görevin Bitiş Tarihi: 04-06-2021
Kategori: Yazılım