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Görev Detayı

Upload your solution inside studentNumber.py (Pyhon source file) as an attachment.
Deadline : 16 April 2021 Friday 12:30 PM(Afternoon)

Declare Student class with the following attributes :
name list (you can use the list below) which is class variable

names = ["Ahmet", "Ayşe", "Mehmet", "Gül", "Ali", "Esma", "Mert", "Selin", "Vedat", "Gizem", "Atabarış", "Nur",
"Burak", "Gamze", "Kazım", "Nuray", "Hüseyin", "Damla", "Mutlu", "Bilgi", "Korhan"]

name,surname,firstMidterm,secondMidterm,final are instance variables should be passed to constructor method
firstMidterm, secondMidterm and final represents grade out of 100 in integer numbers

create two factory methods(methods that return object) which are called as random_student and input_student

random_student method should return Student object with randomly decided values for instance variables
use names list to choose name and surname
firstMidterm, secondMidterm and final values decided randomly as well between [0,100]

input_student method should return Student object where values for instance variables taken by user input(keyboard)

create get_average method which returns average grade of student calculated by 30% of each midterm and 40% of final

For the test phase of your program, take number of Student objects will created (n) from user input(keyboard)
Create list of n Student objects which are generated randomly
Calculate how many of them passed the class and how many them failed (pass mark is 49)

Note(task at below will not graded, it is optional) :
As a self-challenge try to generate auto-incremented id for each Student object which starts from 1001

Bütçe: 40 TL

İşin Yapılacağı Konum: ONLINE
Görevin Başlangıç Tarihi: 13-04-2021
Görevin Bitiş Tarihi: 16-04-2021
Kategori: Yazılım


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