First of all, every student has to find a review article in his/her discipline. Then, I kindly ask you to write (at most) 5-page summary of the review article you have found with your own words. Please note that you cannot copy text directly from the review article. Any efforts on simplicity, clarity and creativity in your summary is highly encouraged. Please be aware that your summary will also be submitted to TURNITIN (plagiarism checker program) and will be checked for its originality.
And please use Times New Roman as a font style, 1.5-line spacing, 12 pt. fonts, and 2.5 cm page margins. The due date will be the final exam date. Therefore, you have plenty of time for submission.
İşin Yapılacağı Konum: ONLINE
Görevin Başlangıç Tarihi: 31-05-2020
Görevin Bitiş Tarihi: 03-06-2020
Kategori: Ders / Çeviri